Q: Dear Ed, I was looking to upgrade to a new kitchen faucet and wanted a faucet with a built-in spray head. I always called that type faucet a “pull-out” but now I’m finding out that there is a “pull-down” style as well. What is the difference? Tammy, Texas
A: For kitchen faucets with built in spray heads I’ll break your question down to three types and give some advantages to each style.
First, pull-out spray: This type pulls out horizontally and features a larger hand grip for easy control. Also is great for filling things like tea pots and pet bowls.
Next, pull-down spray: Like the name says it pulls down from a curved goose neck spout. Since it points down, its great for washing dishes and cleaning the sink bowl.
Finally, spring-loaded: This semi-professional style looks like a faucet you may see in a busy professional kitchen. The spout is basically a flexible spring and can be moved in every direction. So, if you’re not sure about pull-down or pull-out, a spring-loaded can give you a new twist on your faucet choices.
Master Contractor/Plumber Ed Del Grande is known internationally as the author of the book “Ed Del Grande’s House Call,” the host of TV and Internet shows, and a LEED green associate. Visit eddelgrande.com or write [email protected]. Always consult local contractors and codes.