The historic Shackleford-Williams House on Charleston’s waterfront is listed.
William Means real estate
It has survived Hurricane Hugo, the Civil War and nearly 200 years of wear and tear. It’s a South Carolina mansion that even has a name.
But how will it fare on the volatile real estate market?
That will be determined now that the Shackleford-Williams House on Charleston’s waterfront has been listed.
It could be yours, for slightly less than $7 million. Actually, $6,995,000 is the asking price for the historic six-bedroom, five-bath, 7,505-square-foot home.
“It’s one of the best preserved waterfront properties in all of Charleston,” said Lyles Geer, the real estate agent handling the home’s listing and a relative of the current owners/occupants. “Lots of homes in Charleston have been changed or altered since they were built.”
Built in 1837, the Shackleford-Williams House is described by William Means Real Estate as “an exceptionally well-preserved antebellum mansion and one of the oldest homes on one of America’s most iconic streets.”
Sitting on a corner lot on East Battery Street, the mansion is less than a quarter-mile from Charleston’s world famous Rainbow Row, and only the street separates it from Charleston Harbor.
The three-story home with “Tiffany-designed details” has endured everything from “Civil War bombardment to natural disasters,” according to William Means, which reported it is on the market “for the first time in five generations.”
“Throughout the war, it stood unprotected as Union troops bombarded the city for more than 500 days, destroying many homes on East Battery,” the realty firm said, according to
While some concessions were made to allow “modern amenities and ample parking,” they were added “without jeopardizing the dwelling’s historic character,” according to the realtor, which offers a virtual tour of the home on its website. Southern Living also takes a peek into what it calls a “charming home.”
The upgrades that were made at the turn of the 20th century is what gives the home its double name.
Built by James Shackleford, the home was sold to banker Daniel Ravenel, whose family owned it until 1903, according to Charleston Mercury. That was when it was sold to Henry Porter Williams, whose renovations added to its charm and inspired the name Shackleford-Williams House.
In the 115 years since that sale, the only changes made to the house are to its plumbing and electric, Geer said.
The home’s integrity and longevity are critical to it’s character, according to Geer, who said what sets it apart is its construction perfectly suited for its location.
“It has unique third-story triple piazzas with views overlooking Charleston Harbor,” Geer said. “There is nothing on the market like it.”
Geer had no comment on why the Shackleford-Williams House was placed on the market. He said there is no timeline to sell the house, but would like to move it soon.