Creativity is thy name; Savings is thy game. AppleInsider may earn an affiliate commission on purchases made through links on our site. Using iOS and iPadOS in the classroom opens up little-to-no-cost options for students and teachers alike after the initial investment. Let a special education teacher […]
Hashtag Trending Nov.25- Use of robots by San Francisco police; FDA approves first gene therapy for hemophilia; Brazil regulators seize iPhones
San Francisco police department considers letting robots use deadly force, FDA approves a $3.5 million worth treatment for hemophilia and Brazil regulator seizes hundreds of iPhones. That’s all the tech news that’s trending right now, welcome to Hashtag Trending. It’s Friday, November 25th and I’m your host, Ashee Pamma. The […]
Iphones, Samsung Galaxy, And Extra
The best tech Christmas reward happens to be probably the most in-demand console around right now – the Xbox collection X. It’s the most effective Xbox that Microsoft has ever made and is an absolute powerhouse. For audiophiles, we’d suggest choosing up Bang & Olufsen’s beosound explore or Sonos’s roam […]